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Automatic Shell Activation

You can configure devenv to seamlessly switch development environments when navigating between project directories.

This feature relies on a separate tool called direnv (not to be confused with devenv).

Installing direnv

  1. Install direnv
  2. Add the direnv hook to your shell

Using direnv

Once installed, you'll see a warning in your shell the next time you enter the project directory:

direnv: error ~/myproject/.envrc is blocked. Run `direnv allow` to approve its content

Run direnv allow to enable the environment. It will now be automatically loaded and unloaded whenever you enter and exit the project directory.

$ cd /home/user/myproject/
direnv: loading ~/myproject/.envrc
Building shell ...
Entering shell ...

(devenv) $

Customizing PS1

If you'd like to use direnv and have your prompt be aware of it, we recommend installing Starship.

Managing the .direnv directory

The .direnv directory will be added to your .gitignore file by default when you run devenv init.